Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Main pain WOD

Well we worked off the main page -
10 Thrusters (40#)
10 Pullups (jumping)
Max rounds for time - 20 minutes

Total Rounds: 10

The thrusters kicked my butt!

Olympic Lifts

Today I had the full intention of going 10 rounds of 10 hanging cleans and 10 puhsups, what ended up happening was another story. I suppose it's never a good sign if you don't know how to do one of the lifts :) So rather than do 10 crappy hanging cleans, we spent a good 30 minutes going over grips, how to lift, proper technique, and repetition of good form. Thanks Carlos - I appreciate your help.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Michael WOD

Thanks to Carlos for helping me out and letting me use his home gym - and or the WOD:

Run 800m
50 back extensions
50 situps
3 rounds for time - 20:54

Not too shabby!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Rest Day

I drove down to Fort Hood today, so figured I'd take a day off.... long drive and after grocery shopping for Zone Friendly meal ideas I'm wiped. Need to go to bed early!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

On the Road WOD

So I decided to workout outside today - and here's what I came up with....

8 flights of stairs
Run 5 minutes -- 50 Situps
Run 5 minutes -- 50 Pushups
Run 5 minutes -- 100 Chinnies
Run 5 minutes -- 100 Mountain Climbers
Run 5 minutes -- 8 flights of stairs
Finished- 23:45

I'm pretty sure it ended up being about a 2 mile run, and I worked up a pretty good sweat. More later - CW

Friday, April 25, 2008

Sparta WOD

Back to my old standby - tried the Sparta WOD from Thursday:
100 PU, 100 SU, 100 Squats, 100 Lunges, 100 Tuck Jumps
20 reps 5 rounds for time: 15:32

It felt great to complete a workout in the hotel room... how great is being able to work hard w/o leaving the comfort of your hotel room? I'm glad I got a workout in - I'm sure the people below me didn't appreciate the tuck jumps :)

Crazy Wife

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Head Cold

So this past week was a wash - allergies/chest/head cold have gotten the best of me... I can't wait to start working out with some crossfitters in the Fort Hood area!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Travel Day

Long day waiting in the airport - kudos to the USO! I was glad to make it home safely.... and to think we have to go to work tomorrow!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Crossfit Nampa

We had a great time visiting Crossfit Nampa today - what a great place to Crossfit. I enjoyed the 32 degree weather and was excited to see the snow (well a few flakes anyway).

So the WOD was Nancy -
400m Run
15 Overhead squats w/30#

20:30 (i think) - just finished after Crazy Husband

Later that night we had a great time at Mike's Dad's Birthday Party - Happy 60th Dad!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Travel Day

We headed for Idaho tonight - super long day & I give kudos to the husband for flying to Tampa w/the little boy in his lap... holy cow he is a wiggly jiggly shaking and moving little monkey. Oh well, point made he will always have his own seat... needless to say I didn't get a workout in, but I am looking forward to the Saturday visit to Crossfit Nampa.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Ultimate Frisbee

Can I just say "I love ultimate", not only is it fun - but it's a great way to relieve some stress. I had a great time playing with the CCC small group for PT.

Thanks Crazy Husband - I appreciate it!

Crazy Wife

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

JROC - Day Off

It just seems impossible to get out there and work out when I'm on call for 24 hours. Some how I need to remedy this! Impossible just doesn't seem possible, with that in mind I'll have to work harder and make myself workout. I still want it - I just have to believe it's feasible.

Trying my hardest!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


First time I tried hanging cleans - let's just say my arms got a great workout and my core, well - i never quite figured that out.

Attempted 5 or so times, got really pissed - and ended up with 85# max

I'll have to watch those videos again :)

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ground Hog Day - "Jackie"

1000 m. row
50 Thrusters (45#)
30 Pullups (jumping)

Just felt like I didn't work hard enough yesterday, so I thought I better try harder ;p

Today's time: 12:04

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Some great times - of course it hurt some of us more than others... ;-)

Thursday & Friday

Totally slacked - or you could call them rest days.

Plus I came up with all these reasons not to work out -

"It's too hard when I'm on call..."
"I don't have enough time..."
"I don't feel like it...."
"I'm too busy being a mom and a wife...."

What I've come up with is a load of hooey - there shouldn't be an excuse for not making myself feel better, be better, stronger, and a better mom & wife!! I'll work on it and try my best to get back into the groove!

Wednesday WOD

Crazy Lady Cozy

Swings, Mountain climbers, squats, burpees, dumbell press, 100m run. 15-14-13-12-11-10

Time: 39:48

Holy Cow - really hard to motivate myself at night, but at least we got in a great workout! Thanks Master Diaz!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Thrusters & pullups for time

Today I tried the 45# bar for the thrusters and did semi-jumping pullups. Trying to use more arms and chest!


Monday's Promotion

I am extremely proud of my crazy husband - he was promoted to the rank of Major this morning and it has been a long time coming. Husband, congratulations you truly deserve this and I couldn't be more proud and crazy in love with you :)

Now on to the WOD - Quarter of a PT test :)
20 Pushups
20 Situps
800 meter Run
4x for time


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rest Day

FREE Saturday Workout #2


Kearson, Matt and CrazyHusband fought through another tough workout in some beautiful Texas weather. Everyone worked hard and finished up in about 15 minutes.

Kearson (14:36) with 8kg Kb and jumping pull ups
Matt (14:48) with 16kg Kb and woody band pull ups
CrazyHusband (15:57) as Rx'd (1.5 pood Kb and kipping pull ups)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Pain Storm!!

100 Jumping Jacks (too easy :-)
90 Squats
80 Pushups
70 Situps
60 Lunges (my favorite!!)
50 Thrusters
40 Box Jumps
30 Vertical Jumps
20 DB Swings
10 Handstand Pushups (partner assisted)
For Time: 29:25

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Seriously - Master Diaz is Crazy!

Missing my Sparta friends, I've been following there workouts just a day behind them!~ So here's today's WOD:

15 Deadlifts (95#)
15 PU
10 Rounds for time: 15:50

Yikes - no more days off, feel like I'm losing muscle already - guess I better step it up a bit!
Crazy Wife -

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Deadly Medly

30 Lunges, 20 Pullups, 400m Run
30 Box Jumps, 20 Dips, 400m Run
30 KB Swings (16kg), 20 KTE, 400m Run
30 Situps, 20 KB Cleans, 400m Run
Holy Cow - finished in about 30minutes and I was hallin'

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New CrazyWife 400 m run route


Well as you read - I took the APFT this morning.... and let's say I did great, but didn't get a PR in the run. Overall I scored 90 points in the pushup and situp event, however I didn't quite make the 17:00 minute 2 mile run. I finished the run in 19:38 not a PR, but better than I've run in a long time. I have to thank my crazy husband and Master Diaz for giving me hell and making me want to be stronger, run faster, and try harder. I am truly grateful! At any rate, back to daily WODs tomorrow, can't wait to hit the track early and work hard - hopefully I'll have some company in the morning!~ 0430 MacArthur Field